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Social Bookmarking Benefits

One of the best ways to influence your tribe to try your products is through social bookmarking. The rule here is to get your links on sites that will promote them and organize them. This will help to create another stream of income for you by the increased targeted traffic it will generate.
Your use of SEO will also generate targeted viral traffic so that you will have traffic targeted to your content. Your content will attract the kind of user that will buy your product because they read the content. Readers that aren’t interested in your product just wont read the content.
You want your story to be one of those that “buzzes” with the tribe you want to attract. Social Bookmarking and Networking sites are being observed daily and there are lots of tales about stories that make their way around the word in record time. Some call it instant buzz. Its kind of like instant karma, though. The more buzz you have the more tribal response you’ll get.
The links back to your site from the sites you are being promoted on are important too. Prt of your rank on some of the search engines is calculated on how many links and back links you have. Reciprocal links are always better. Because more links gives more opportunities for your tribe to click on, you will get more traffic.

Another advantage is the free advertising that results. Social Bookmarking was only intended as a way to organize originally, but it does the job of advertising admirably. AS the amount of your use increases , there are going to be more people that will pay more attention to what you are doing. It could be thought of as online word of mouth advertising.
There is also the branding that results from social media bookmarking. Let’s face it, there are over eight billion websites out there, so know one really knows who you are. So you need to stay on top of it by using social media to get the word out. Using social media gets your branding information out to the people who are interested. Especially if it is targeted correctly.
As more and different technologies come online , maybe we will be able to use other mediums. Smell-o-vision comes to mind here. But it’s probably still a ways off right now.
If you have any suggestions about how we could make this process more efficient for all of us, I would like to discuss it here, if possible.