
Archive for free online texting

Text Message Marketing

It seems like everywhere you go now, people are texting on their phones to send a message to their tribes or clients. Texting uses a protocol called Short Message Service or SMS. This procall also is robust enough to support the generation of new applications . An excellent application for business is Text Message Marketing.

SMS Mobile Text Message Marketing can be a very helpful path to helping you cut some of your costs in various areas and helping to save money too. Thats because you are able to generate direct messages about your specials and the deals targeted at your tribes interests.

An important caveat here is your texting plan with your cellular provider. You really should have a plan that allows unlimited text messages per month. If not , the service could prove to be costly. If you have teens , unlimited texting will pay for itself.

Getting your list of subscribers together is the first step. Talk to your current customers here about opting in to your service to keep them updated about special deals and promotions. This because when you send a bulk text message, your tribe will be instantly notified of your current promo. This is already very targeted because they are already using the product. Some may not be willing to sign up unless there is a clear benefit to them.

Most businesses find this to be very easy and a great way to keep in touch with the tribe. One thing to keep in mind here is that you have a limited amount of characters that you can use. Thats right, you only have about 160 characters to get your message out to the tribe.

Free online texting is very effective, but being clear and concise can be a challenge when you are developing a SMS texting campaign. Remember to keep in mind the target and think about what the best way to communicate your message to the tribe.

At the present time SMS group texting is still in it’s infancy among businesses and tribes. It will prove to be a long term solution to keeping old customers and getting new ones over time, though. Like everything else, keep the list updated for the long term and make your promotions unique and attention getting.

This a good way to get started with SMS Text Message marketing as long as you keep these ideas in your frame of reference. You will be able to keep and attiaan new tribes and grow your business or tribe base.

Some other ideas that Your Expert Webman has come up with include sending out new games and free apps that are targeted to your business to the tribe. Tribes love to use their cell phones for these things and it will build brand awareness of your product.

You could run a poll to get your tribe to create new marketing promos and deals for your business too. Make your tribe a partner in the business. You could message the tribe the times and dates for your webinars , for instance. Menus, Real Estate listings and the list goes on.

The tribe will be able to confirm attendance or ask buying questions right on the phone in real time.

These are some of the ideas I have to get you started and I would love to have a dialogue with you about what would work the best for your tribe and your business. Ask me questions and lets get the show on the road!