There is a large market for free Twitter followers, as you can imagine. Just to check and see what this term gets, I typed free Twitter followers into my favorite search engines. There were only 739 million returns. That sounds like big business to me. Am I wrong?
Social Networking Sites, like Twitter , seem to be supporting quite a bit of business. You can get 15,000 followers in 24 hours for $39.00.
Of course, they are not real. Some studies show that you will get more real followers that will stay with you if you do the Tweets. Now I happen to think that Tweeting without using automation is more influencing. The Tweets seem more real? Who knows.
In Social Media land there are over 500 million Tweets per day. That’s 100 million Tweeters, Tweeting 5 times per day. Are you tweeting that much?
The Social Media Influence cost may be high, if you’re not.
Now , if you are a blogger , you should tweet your blog link to a social networking site at least twice a day. More may be better. Also, be sure to track your results and maybe even compare with other social media sites.
One of my rules of thumb is to promote other social media content on Twitter by Retweeting. This will also help to get you followers from other Social Networking sites. If you share generously , it will help you to get other followers also.
Some sites say that you should Tweet three times a day and some say 4 times. that’s every eight hours. Now that is going to be hard to do unless you can do it from your phone.
One of the social media jobs that Twitter does best is to drive traffic. It’s not fast and can take a couple of years, but it works. So the answer to the question is to tweet as many times as you can and feel like.
Of course, comments are welcome.