
Author Archive for Your Expert Webman – Page 4

Assessing SEO Competition

Some Facebook Fan Page Tips

There are a lot of businesses out there today that could use a boost from the Internet to help keep the lights on. One of the easiest ways is to use the Facebook platform to keep in touch with your current tribe by starting a Fan page . You will also be able to pick up new prospects.

One of the advantages here is that prospects will be able to locate you and your products. Facebook Fan pages will help your page rank and should help to point prospects to your page. Facebook has an internal search engine that will help prospects to find you also.

Being in touch with current clients as well as new prospects is more crucial to your social media campaigns that ever. That’s because this is the basis of social media. Staying in touch that is. Doing this well can mean lots of good things will be happening in your business.

Look at the Facebook page as an extension to your online and offline marketing efforts,. All of the things you currently do like email, coupon advertising etc. can be tied together for more efficiency in your social media campaigns .

You can promote your brand as well as build a brand here and right now , the Facebook platform is wide open for this. You will need to post relevant and useful information that will influence prospects to become fans and clients. Taking care of your brand includes registering pages for your brands and intellectual property. This will help to stop others from doing it and possibly stealing your business.

Following these social media strategies can increase your sales . And that really is the point , isn’t it? It’s all about connecting and communicating in order to drive some business your way. Use the Facebook places function and the new F-commerce function to drive sales also.

When you add all of this up, its really an offer you cant refuse. It’s a great bargain and set up is free if you do it yourself. The biggest investment is one of time to keep the page fresh and active and to learn how this whole thing works. More and more companies are hiring trained social media consultants to help and get the show on the road. Ask me about how to do this.

If you are in business you know that you simply have to keep up with the competition. That’s because the competition is already there and is taking your clients. Remember that Facebook has over 500 million users. A lot of them are interested in your product.

Getting feedback about your products and services is easy on Facebook. You can find out what your customers think about your customer service. The Insights tool will provide detailed information about who is visiting your page and what they are looking at when they get there.

This is a great way to promote your business inexpensively and to help with your social media campaigns. If you don’t have a page yet, its time to look into it.

If you have questions or comments , let me know.

Google Plus Strategy Review

Some marketers think that Google has had a lot of luck in their business. I tend to think that it is more probably the result of hard work on Google’s part . For instance , the new Sparks program allows you to input things you are interested in and then it will show web pages that have that content. Something similar to Stumbleupon. It seems to me that it will take a bit of working with the program to get it right, though.

Watching your incoming stream of those that are following you is a nice feature because it allows you to see what they are posting and you may want to follow them.

You can share your videos and pictures with office workers and friends by putting them in a circle. It will help you to share certain updates with certain people. It should help to organize too. Circles will also allow you to see only content you want to see. So that means that you can select which posts to look at. On other platforms there is no way to separate them.

Some platforms seem to be lacking in their privacy structure and they opt in users automatically. Changing these settings is sometimes difficult and hard to find. The approach Google Plus has is to make it easy to choose to make content public or not.

One of the features I like the best is the Hangout feature. Hangouts are a fairly new addition to social media networking. It works like this, you start a hangout and up to 10 friends can drop by for a chat. It may become useful to politicians, although at this time, they may be getting a lot of negativity. Using the Google plus Social Media Platform may be good for customers service issues for companies , also.
Using the tool as a bookmarking platform for articles to read later or maybe create a circle to bookmark interesting pages.

Some of the Social Media Networking platforms out there feel that everyone is thrilled to share all their details with all of their so-called friends . I’m not in favor of this only because there are predators that will use your information for other things. With Google plus you control who see’s what. This will allow you to keep information and interests separate.

This platform will also allow you another opportunity to start out fresh with Social Media Networking. Maybe you would like to leave some of your old friends behind. You can just not add them to your Google plus circles. In all likelihood , they will never realize they’ve been left out. And I’ sure you will miss all of those game invites that other platforms have.

My response rate from the people I have invited to Google plus has been rather mediocre. I think it results from the feeling of , oh, another Social media thing?
So, I will keep up the work and report in another time on this.

Social Media Legalese

The rumor mill has it that one of the new social networks is so large that it could be the third largest country in the world. That means it could have the third largest problems in the world too. This will bring to mind that there are some legal problems with social media. So included with your plan for covering your social networking strategies, include this in it.
Many social networking tribes use the main social network platforms for a variety of reasons. One of the most common here is to network with friends and acquaintances for business purposes. Updating your status many times a week helps to keep you in the mind of tribes that you may want to do business with.
The law in this area is changing constantly and we hope for the better. It is wise to be aware of these few issues .
Tribes that are using Social networking have to obey the law s regarding copyright infringement and trademark laws. There are no special rights granted here. These are sometimes referred to as Intellectual Property.
Along the same lines , Social Network sites do not confer immunity from defamation laws. Be careful of any flaming or derogatory comments that you make when talking about someone else.
Be aware that a lot of the information you provide to the network is available publicly. Things such as the name of your main employer or photographs that may put you in a compromising position. The problem here is that if you later want to claim that it is private, you may find it difficult.
So much is said about identity theft today and a lot of it is true. Social networks ask for a lot of information when you sign up and this information can be stolen. I tell most of my clients to use a PO box for this pupose. Just in case there is someone out there looking for you. Let’s just say that your favorite I-Phone gets misplaced.
This might give someone the opportunity to hack into one of your social network accounts and steal your information. Your personal information could be used to open accounts in your name and buy stuff that you may have to pay for.
Not only that, but personal information can be used against you in a court of law. Does that sound familiar? Just think about how this information may be seen down the road.
Some of these things may seem like common sense, they did to me. Then I was reminded of the family that went to Florida for a week and told all their social media networking friends about it. When they got home , the furniture was gone.
I would like to hear from my many fans about experiences with this. Go ahead and shoot me an email , or better yet, make a comment on my blog.
Until next time.

Social Scanning Activities

Can I regale you with all of the benefits of Smart phones? You’ve probably heard it all by now. You stay connected to all your social media networks by using the Internet. All the time. You keep in touch because the email is close to you. In addition to all this, you can stay more organized than you have ever been and there are more and more services out there to help you do just that.

Most , if not all , of the new services actually need to mature a bit and experiment with the model a bit more, in my humble opinion. For the immediate future , you may want to watch developments here.

In the past it’s been said that smart phone owners have the world at their fingertips . This may sound a bit pompous, but the inertia of the of the mobile phone business is gaining momentum. To my view , its because of the many different applications that are available. One of them that has caught my eye is mobile scanning technology. In some circles its known as social scanning. These are applications that allow comparison shopping using bar codes.

This means that you , as a Smart phone owner, can get to your machine, load an application and a code and get access to all the relevant information about that code. This activity is really the application of bar code scanning and social media to create a paradigm of social scanning.

To the big search engines, this means there is a way to track offline scanning behavior. Location services track the data and so now QR code details are being given away to retailers with popular Place Pages. This is because you now have a connection that you can touch to the digital world.

An added benefit here is that you will be able to aggregate all of your membership group details, punch cards etc. into an easy to access digital format . You’ll be able to scan stuff such as credit and debit cards too. There are backup programs to keep your digital data safe also.

Some may think that these scans aren’t really social in nature, but because they can double as verifiable place check-ins, they also share the same properties.

It is also possible to leverage Mobile Technology in order to create brand awareness and product loyalty. This can be done using location platforms and apps that are creating the new ;loyalty platform. Whoever does this the best will stand out. Its just a matter of learning to use a few programs.

Social Capital is an important concept too. This is what drives all social phenomenons to go viral on the internet. This makes it something to focus on. It has been called the currency of social media.

As social scanning and other as yet to be found applications show up, we will be learning more and more.

Let me in on any discussions you might have about this and we’ll go from there.

Cross Channel Marketing

To increase effectiveness with your digital marketing campaigns , you must use cross channel marketing as a strategy. This means that you will be combining your social media strategies with your mobile text message marketing , for instance.

One strategy is using data from customer reports to identify trends that you can add to your market research. At this point, remember not to treat the data irresponsible. Or from a economic point of view. Try to engage your tribe by listening to them and getting representative data.

Another approach to this is sharing apps on cell phones that promote social gaming activities .This helps to create an engaging atmosphere for the tribe to take part in and share and take action . There are apps that will help you create a custom app for your niche. You can foster competition among groups of friends or tribes that will lead to sharing and dialog. This will help to reinforce your brand to the tribe.

Creating effective mobile strategies starts with the realization that most retailers will have to refine their strategies. This means putting to use other channels such as social media and mobile messaging, because this will allow your tribe to use their smart phones to access and shop. Also, you can keep using your conventional forms of marketing a and public relations activities.

It seems to me that you should remember the old adage, content is king. If you remember this , you will increase your branding strength and allow for quick sale opportunities.

Multichannel marketing is still in its infancy and so doesn’t really fit into a model yet. The model is still developing. Leveraging the channels at the same time is what its all about. Some experts think that retaining the human voice is and important part of this also because it will help you make the jump successfully.

Remember this if nothing else, you can’t hide anywhere now. It’s a digital world and that means you have to take advantage of it because your competition is.

Because of this your brand is out there for the tribe to yay or nay. One way to be sure the tribe is engaging is to make sure you are respectful of the human paradigm. Accentuate it . Make sure you retain that human touch feeling to your tribe by making sure that each touch is unique and distinctive. It shouldn’t sound canned to the tribe or anyone else. It needs to have a connection to the person and the company through some value oriented texts.

When all is said and done, without the human touch feeling , your audience wont follow you.

There are other platforms such as B to B or web analysis and many more that can be utilized for cross channel marketing to your tribe, but here we are concentrating using social media in conjunction with mobile messaging.

If the tribe is interested, maybe we can get more specific with the different social media platforms and how they are unique in this area.

Do you have a platform or strategy or tip you would like to opine about?

Bing Search Engine Optimization

Why optimize for Bing? Especially when Google gets most of the traffic anyway? There are quite a few reasons, as it turns out. The Yahoo merger with Bing being the main one for Bing organic search optimization.. Here’s a link for more info. Bing Search Engine Optimization It seems to me that the answer to this question is fairly obvious. And the answer is. we need all the help we can get.

Some of the parameters that Bing likes are similar to other search engines, strangely enough. For instance, it seems to be very important that your page title contains the key words that are relevant to the contents of your page. Also, try to make sure that your content has the same keywords as the title of the article. This will help to get your page to the top of the search engine for your keyword.

There’s plenty more on the referred page, so I’ll just pick a few things here that you can do.

Because Bing seems to be growing and developing, more Corporations should be looking at Bing as a way to stay in touch with their tribes. So this means they need to improve their site ranking with Bing.

Bing is now around about the 3rd largest search engine and that means they are taking a larger slice of the pie. It would do well to watch this one. Bing search engine optimization will become more important in the future.

As most search engines do, Bing seems to like a domain name that has a few years under it’s belt. Since your ranking is higher you will get more organic traffic from Bing. More chances for the cash register to ring.

Lucky for me, Bing likes pages with about three hundred and fifty to five hundred words or so. Right in my sweet spot. And of course remember this, Bing seems to give more weight to the contents and title being relevant than other search engines do.

W3C Protocols are observed with Bing, so make sure that your HTML codes are accurate. If you need to validate there is a W3C validation service.

Creating a link to a page outside of your website will not result in a ranking penalty like some of the other search engines. It may still be best to limit the amount of external links though. Using no follow tags will alow you to have external links and not be penalized in some cases.

So after all of this , it turns out that content is still king. Just like th other search engines. Can you imagine that? This fact really hasn’t changed much and probably won’t. Quality content that catches your eye because it is unique helps you to energize your relationship with your tribe. The search engines also like to see quality articles that help them to decide if it is relevant or not. As usual, the more relevant it is, the higher your ranking.

Specific articles that avoid being to generic are the way to go. Accentuate a particular keyword and make sure that you show the relvancy.

This information holds true for most of the search engine optimization rules you have already encountered, but I would enjoy having some feedback. Let me know what you think.


Text Messaging From Your Computer

There will be over ten trillion text messages sent by 2013 . The statistics say that over 90 percent of them will get read. On the other hand there are 110 billion messages on social networks that may or may not get read . Both use text messages sent from your computer. Which statistic do you like?

Both formats use the social networking paradigm , but its seems that short message service , or SMS Text Message marketing is working out better for business. This is because targeted text messaging is a very efficient and effective method for mobile marketing. It keeps you in contact with your tribe and your family. And its very cost effective. This protocol turns out to be very effective for internet marketers, also.

Some organizations use it to advertise alerts to the tribe about possible emergency’s and situations that may go Charlie Sheen on them. Sending important information isn’t just limited to your tribe either, you want to keep in touch with important customers too. Don’t forget your suppliers. You can have a keyword for each. Then you know the right person is getting the right message.

One of my favorite ways to keep up with my clients is to promote networking meetings and events to my network tribe. Birthday and anniversary greetings. The list is endless. This works well for sales managers that want to stay in touch with outside sales departments.

There is always help available to manage a mobile text messaging campaign also. So don’t think you’re on your own. And remember , you can send the messages from you’re computer, so don’t worry if your thumbs are too big.

Text Message Marketing may not be as social in some ways , but it gets results and has several advantages over other formats. SMS doesn’t take so long to send a message as an email or a phone call and you can do bulk sending. You can be on your phone and send a message.

Be aware that when you send a message , it sits on a server until the receiving phone is turned on. In the past , this was known as a “store and forward service”. This means the tribe member’s phone doesn’t have to be turned on to send the message. The message waits until the phone is turned on and recipient is in range. Very effective.

Mobile Text Marketing is considered to be very spam free because of the opt – in feature, especially if you compare it to email. Your SMS text marketing message is much more likely to be delivered than an email.

I’m pretty sure most businesses are aware that SMS can send bulk messages and not just one on one messages. This is a broadcasting service ,but there is no spam because the clients are opt in . Corporations use this function to contact tribes , or employees. Some online services use it to disseminate news or some other type of information to tribes.

I tell my clients that it is important to deliver your message to a targeted audience. So I like to set up clients that already have a phone list. But we have a department that works hand in hand with a new client to get them in touch with their tribe.

If you get your list together , we will go over it and I’ll show you the fastest way to upload it so you can start sending SMS messages to your tribe.

Let’s sit down and have a discussion about this article . I would love to receive some comments from my readers, so fire away!

Text Message Marketing

It seems like everywhere you go now, people are texting on their phones to send a message to their tribes or clients. Texting uses a protocol called Short Message Service or SMS. This procall also is robust enough to support the generation of new applications . An excellent application for business is Text Message Marketing.

SMS Mobile Text Message Marketing can be a very helpful path to helping you cut some of your costs in various areas and helping to save money too. Thats because you are able to generate direct messages about your specials and the deals targeted at your tribes interests.

An important caveat here is your texting plan with your cellular provider. You really should have a plan that allows unlimited text messages per month. If not , the service could prove to be costly. If you have teens , unlimited texting will pay for itself.

Getting your list of subscribers together is the first step. Talk to your current customers here about opting in to your service to keep them updated about special deals and promotions. This because when you send a bulk text message, your tribe will be instantly notified of your current promo. This is already very targeted because they are already using the product. Some may not be willing to sign up unless there is a clear benefit to them.

Most businesses find this to be very easy and a great way to keep in touch with the tribe. One thing to keep in mind here is that you have a limited amount of characters that you can use. Thats right, you only have about 160 characters to get your message out to the tribe.

Free online texting is very effective, but being clear and concise can be a challenge when you are developing a SMS texting campaign. Remember to keep in mind the target and think about what the best way to communicate your message to the tribe.

At the present time SMS group texting is still in it’s infancy among businesses and tribes. It will prove to be a long term solution to keeping old customers and getting new ones over time, though. Like everything else, keep the list updated for the long term and make your promotions unique and attention getting.

This a good way to get started with SMS Text Message marketing as long as you keep these ideas in your frame of reference. You will be able to keep and attiaan new tribes and grow your business or tribe base.

Some other ideas that Your Expert Webman has come up with include sending out new games and free apps that are targeted to your business to the tribe. Tribes love to use their cell phones for these things and it will build brand awareness of your product.

You could run a poll to get your tribe to create new marketing promos and deals for your business too. Make your tribe a partner in the business. You could message the tribe the times and dates for your webinars , for instance. Menus, Real Estate listings and the list goes on.

The tribe will be able to confirm attendance or ask buying questions right on the phone in real time.

These are some of the ideas I have to get you started and I would love to have a dialogue with you about what would work the best for your tribe and your business. Ask me questions and lets get the show on the road!

Social Bookmarking Benefits

One of the best ways to influence your tribe to try your products is through social bookmarking. The rule here is to get your links on sites that will promote them and organize them. This will help to create another stream of income for you by the increased targeted traffic it will generate.
Your use of SEO will also generate targeted viral traffic so that you will have traffic targeted to your content. Your content will attract the kind of user that will buy your product because they read the content. Readers that aren’t interested in your product just wont read the content.
You want your story to be one of those that “buzzes” with the tribe you want to attract. Social Bookmarking and Networking sites are being observed daily and there are lots of tales about stories that make their way around the word in record time. Some call it instant buzz. Its kind of like instant karma, though. The more buzz you have the more tribal response you’ll get.
The links back to your site from the sites you are being promoted on are important too. Prt of your rank on some of the search engines is calculated on how many links and back links you have. Reciprocal links are always better. Because more links gives more opportunities for your tribe to click on, you will get more traffic.

Another advantage is the free advertising that results. Social Bookmarking was only intended as a way to organize originally, but it does the job of advertising admirably. AS the amount of your use increases , there are going to be more people that will pay more attention to what you are doing. It could be thought of as online word of mouth advertising.
There is also the branding that results from social media bookmarking. Let’s face it, there are over eight billion websites out there, so know one really knows who you are. So you need to stay on top of it by using social media to get the word out. Using social media gets your branding information out to the people who are interested. Especially if it is targeted correctly.
As more and different technologies come online , maybe we will be able to use other mediums. Smell-o-vision comes to mind here. But it’s probably still a ways off right now.
If you have any suggestions about how we could make this process more efficient for all of us, I would like to discuss it here, if possible.